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Google Plus when first launched in 2011 was not taken very seriously by many people let alone to promote businesses. However, that was a huge mistake which people soon realized and today Google+ has close to 500 million active users. Google+ is not just another social networking website but its main advantage is that it is a product of Google; therefore Google+ profiles have more leverage when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).
Interesting facts: 70% of top 100 brands are active users of Google Plus

Google+ marketing is integrated with SEO and one of the best ways for entrepreneurs to drive traffic to their websites. For example, when businesses post interesting content on their business page and it is shared by users of Google+, then Google immediately indexes it and it appears on search engine, hence increasing the visibility of your content online.

Interesting facts: India ranks 2nd in the league of Top Countries who have active users on Google+

In our social media marketing training programme, we will teach you how to make the best use of Google+ for business marketing and development.

Google+ Marketing course structure:

1) What is Google+

2) Google+ image guidelines

3) Important tips for successful Google Plus marketing

4) Practical

What do you take home – At the end of the course, you will understand the importance and use of Google Plus for your business development and you will understand how to create and publish content to increase your followers and engagement from Google Plus users.

Experience agency level Digital marketing training by world class experts only at Digital marketing School. Why not give us a try?

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Saturday : 10 30 AM , Wednesday : 2 30 PM
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