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Google Ad sense
Google ad sense is a programme designed by Google through which entrepreneurs can display targeted Google advertisements on their website to generate revenue.

Google ad sense is a wonderful way for website owners and bloggers to earn extra income from clicks that create traffic for Google. This is how Google ad sense works; the Ad sense spiders will go through your website to see what all your pages are about. They will then check their list of ads and put related ads next to each of your articles. For example someone reading an article on fashion accessories is much more likely to buy fashion apparels than someone who is reading an article about automobiles.

Google Display Advertising
Google display advertising is one of the best global display ad networks which allow entrepreneurs to create and display targeted ads on variety of news sites, blogs and other niche sites which is relevant to their industrial field. This helps entrepreneurs to find, reach and connect with more potential customers.
Google display advertising allows businesses to promote their brand using an array of targeted ad formats. Through ads, entrepreneurs can reach their target audience all across the web and all over the world. Specific and targeted messages created in the ads helps to influence the audience and therefore increasing your brand’s reputation, visibility, website traffic and leads.
Interesting facts: Google display advertising reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide, with about a trillion impressions served to over 1 billion users every month.
To start implementing Google Ad sense and display advertising is relatively easy but you need to understand about different types and sizes of ads that will compliment your website and ad campaign. In the 8th module of our digital marketing training programme, you will learn and gain hands of experience on how to create Google ad sense and Google display advertising for your business growth.

Google Ad sense course structure

1) What is Display advertising

2) Different types of ad targeting tools

3) Remarketing

4) Display advertising terminology

5) Types of display ads

6) Different ad formats

7) Ad placement techniques

8) Important ad terminology

9) ROI measurement techniques

10) Practical

What do you take home – At the end of the course, you will be able to short list websites for displaying your ads. It will get easy for you to plan, create and implement a successful Google display ad campaign for increasing traffic and conversion rates. Measuring the ROI of your ad campaign will become easy for you.

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