Digital Marketing School
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Whether you are a start up online business or an established one, it is always good and beneficial to keep a watch on what your competitors are doing. It is not easy to maintain your monopoly in the industry. Everyday there are new entrants to your specific industry and if you don’t keep pace with your competition you will see yourself losing out of the race. Therefore, to keep your future secure and your holding firm in the business, competitor analysis is a must. It helps your business to foresee where you are and where you should be.

Firms can perform SWOT analysis on their competitors realizing their strengths, weaknesses, what their opportunities and threats are through a thorough competitor analysis. As an entrepreneur, you must keep a watch on your competitor’s website and see how and what they are doing differently, that is leading to their success or failure. You must check out their business model, their performing keywords and from where they are getting links and traffic from. Moreover, if you are first time entering the digital marketing world, then it would give you an edge to browse through the content written by your competitors and their target keywords to help you understand what potential customers are looking for.

It is said that keep your friends close and enemies closer. Hence, for any business to succeed competitor analysis is a must and in the digital marketing industry, the analysis is done in a different way. In the module 1 training programme of our digital marketing course, you will learn the tips and techniques of how to perform the right competitor analysis to keep you ahead in the business competition.

Competitor Analysis Course structure:

1) What is Competitor Analysis

2) Why to perform competitor Analysis

3) How to perform competitor analysis

4)Tools to perform successful competitor analysis

5) Practical

What do you take home – At the end of the curriculum, you will be able to track the performance of your website and analyze the data to increase your online marketing efforts, improve website usability and increase conversion rates.

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